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free update?

3542 Views 9 Replies Latest reply: 2015-01-30 02:34:42

  •   Level 10   
    (7890) points
    2015-01-24 06:55:34


    Tags: maxisys

  •   Level 3   
    (93) points

    2015-01-24 07:28:37

     Here's a statement I posted under a different topic...

    Hats off to both of you Ede65 and Syny, I have read both of your posts as well as others and I must say I see where you guys are coming from and it's not to be negative here towards anyone, but I have to say if I buy a tool and it's missing functions from day 1 of it's release, and they are added a year or two later, I should not have to pay for those updates.  Those function should have been there from Day One.  Even cheaper tool manufacturers don't charge for updates if the functions are missing.  However, if the feature is an enhancement then yes, we should pay for it, or if the car manufacturer has added a function due to software upgrades.
    I have been in Telecom for over 20 years and automotive for 15 and I must say when a Telecom software has missing functions we are not charged for their mistakes or missing functions nor do we charge the customer, client, user once there's an update due to missing functions.

  •   Level 4   
    (190) points

    2015-01-24 08:18:25

     I work at a Chrysler dealership. We used to be a Suzuki dealer and now since Suzuki is pulling out of the US, we are a Suzuki Service Center. When I bought my maxisys mini I never bought it to do all my diag, I bought it to "fill in the gaps". I bought it to make myself money by not letting my dealer send the vehicle to the  respected dealer if the car was out of factory warranty. Since I've had it (10/2014) I've fixed about a dozen vehicles. I bought it to take home and do side work so the dealer couldn't dictate whether I could take it or not. My one question is what if it was a Snapon scan tool? You pay through the nose for updates when your tool expires. If you skip an update you must pay to bring it up to current. If you tool expires today and a function you need comes out tomorrow would Snapon "give" it to you? I think not! I think the advertising of functions on our tool was to show it's capabilities. If my tool expires before I get those "promised" functions I'll suck it up and pay. It's just a part of our business. Nothing is guaranteed.

  •   Level 6   
    (707) points

    2015-01-24 09:15:38 (Reply to:ede65)

     Its a great tool. Lots of people seem to complain. Im guessing they complain just about at anyything. Its a tool and I can tell you it sure beats having no scanner at all. I know it keeps up with the so called big boys and its part of the cost of doing business.Updates are required weather there were working fully before or not. My free update was because China had told me the issue was fixed before my time expired then it wasn't. The next version out it was and they gave me a free one day update of which I could update whatever newer versions were out which I also did..Can't ask for anything more honest or fair than that. I am happy with Autel and my MaxiSys 908,,Now just waiting for the scope MP 408

  •   Level 4   
    (190) points

    2015-01-24 10:11:54 (Reply to:hefaus)

     I too am waiting for the MP 408 scope kit. I already have the inspection camera which makes my tool more versatile than a common scan tool. It's many tools all-in-one.

  •   Level 7   
    (1143) points

    2015-01-24 16:43:14

       Already stated it before and will do again; I think there is no one simple answer. Crucial updates on certain functions advertised should become available to all users who paid while expecting these functions to become available within the update period. Personally I don't care about the tree function, but the fact that 'before end of the year" (2014) we were to be able to flash more car brands with the Autel service (now just a few and even less as before), that does sting since for this reason I shoved out the extra money for a J2534 full blown, full priced version and I think more will feel that way.

    By no means I feel that it is needed or reasonable that vehicle coverage and other new functions should be free, that is just not how things work.

    I am very happy with my tool and hope to be for a long time to come. If I feel that extra updates after my free period would benefit me, I will just pay for an extra year of updates. I do want to be able to see what those updates are, so that I can make the decision based on what I might miss or what I just don't need that much. So in the personal part of the site please do keep users informed.

  •   Level 5   
    (223) points

    2015-01-24 20:25:33 (Reply to:ede65)

    What I see here a lot of on this forum is younger techs that buy a tool and expect it to be perfect and do there job for them. Try buying a snap on or auto ingenuity plus a laptop to run it on for two or three times the price and let me know how that works out for you. No tool is perfect even factory tools! We get updates and bug fixes all the time instead of waiting 6 months or a year for the next update to come out. Although there have been some rough spots along the way I have been happy with my 908. Only one time have I had to use another scanner because my tool did not have a fuel pump prime on a newer vw diesel. I don't think the tool is the issue here I think it is more inexperience and immaturity. I am in no way trying to be disrespectful to anyone that has posted in the past or present but all of us older season techs can see that in the post here. Anyways, I do think that software updates for flawed data or non functioning test should be given free for the life of the tool. 

  •   Level 7   
    (962) points

    2015-01-25 20:22:32 (Reply to:johnshenanigans)

    I couldn't wait I purchased the matco mdautowave unit

  •   Level 6   
    (712) points

    2015-01-25 23:15:47 (Reply to:912guy)

    I am happy as it is with maxisys, I have not used every factory scan tool but the few I
    used maxisys has measured up to them neck and neck and in some cases surpassed
    them example its better to me than a tech 2, its better than honda hds, and its better in
    some ways to volvo vida dice, and I have used all these factory tools I mentioned, as
    far as updates I truly believe that Autel should provide free updates or bug fixes to all
    users that bought the tool looking for functions that were not avaiable initially such as
    tree view and j2534 programming through autel servers, other than that I think it is
    only fair we pay for updates that way engineers can be paid to make this great tool
    better, and that's my two cents.

  •   Level 10   
    (10965) points
    Autel Support

    2015-01-30 02:34:42 (Reply to:ede65)

     No tool is perfect, and we also know there are many functions not developed or not well developed, however, the tool can meet most customers' requirement. Then our engineers devote energy and money in improving software, adding more cars and functions. so it won't be free. 
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